
Quantum Lab nominated to Startup of the Year 2013.

During the last Business Mixer at Olivia Business Center, Gdansk, Poland organized by Business Link we were chosen among 2 other startups (Deligic and Sgrouples) to further fight for the title in the competition and we got nominated to a “Startup of the Year”.

Business Mixer is a cyclical event, where all the people involved in business environment have an remarkable opportunity to meet up, share their experience and ideas. During the event, representatives of the competing startups got a chance to present their products and receive an immediate feedback from the audience.

Moreover, a special guest – Marcin Kowalski, CEO of UXPin, told about his company and shared with the participants many helpful advices, concerning his staying and runnning a company on Silicon Valley. He also raised the topic of the startups aspiring to conquer the global marker, which was very valuable from our perspective. Additionaly, after the official part, we participated in extraordinary networking party!

We appreciate the nomination and we’d like to thank everybody who supports our project!