On May the 16th, Quantum Lab won Best Startup 2016 – a prestigious competition for companies doing innovative new technology projects applicable for marketing, communication and sales purposes. Under Black Pearls VC mentorship and investment support, the company has developed software capable of recognizing and analysis of human emotions. The solution endows marketers and retail managers with revolutionary spectrum of new possibilities for measuring their communications effectiveness and improving customers experience.

Bartosz Rychlicki speaking at Cyber Redefine 6.0 conference 18.03.2016 – Warsaw
Our CEO Bartosz Rychlicki will give a talk about emotions and artificial intelligence in day-to-day research work.
The presentation will be given together with Maciej Ozorowski, Director of Research from Quantum Lab’s partner: PBS.
Cyber Redefine is 6th annual, Polish conference held in Warsaw. It gathers researchers and marketers from big brands and market research agencies. The core topic is the future of the market and how research is conducted. how research is conducted.

Quantum Lab received GO_GLOBAL.PL. grant from The National Center for Research and Development
Yesterday The National Center for Research and Development published results of the first edition of GO_GLOBAL.PL program which the primary objective is to extend the scale of the commercialization of the results of scientific research or development work of Polish companies on world markets. Therefore, we are delighted that we can share with you guys a great news.
Quantum Lab is among other 40 companies who qualified for the program and will receive up to 150 000 Polish zlotych for the expansion to foreign markets. We will use the money mainly for making ELLEN more visible on European markets and for preparing the strategy of entry into foreign markets, which we hope will help us increase sales.
Here you can find the ranking: click.
Keep calm and make science guys!

Bartosz Rychlicki at The Young Business Festival 2015
The has started today! For this reason, we are happy to announce that on 16th October at you will be able to meet with Bartosz who will give a presentation entitled: What are the values of the company in the era of innovation and technology. You can find the whole program of the festival below:
See you at the spot guys!

Quantum Lab is a Polish Startup of the Year 2015
Yesterday, during Poland National Finals of Central European Startup Awards at STARTER we won in the category: “Startup of the Year“! We much appreciated that Central European Startup Awards Committee recognized our work and decided to distinguish us with this superb title. The title which encourages our team to dream big and work hard 🙂
On the fly, we want to pass huge thank you whole STARTER team for organizing tremendous event! Regret if you weren’t there 😉
And the most important thing. The final winners will be announced on the Grand Finale on the 8th October in Hotel Schani, Vienna. Grand Finale winners are chosen from the National winners by Jury Board of Central European Startup Awards. So, if we would be lucky, how knows, maybe we will become the Central European Startup of the Year 2015 😉
Keep your fingers crossed guys!

Quantum Lab was nominated as the Startup of the Year 2015
We are proud to inform that in the recent announcement from Central European Startup Awards, Quantum Lab was nominated in the category: “Startup of the Year”. All category nominations can be found in a official Polish shortlist which was published here.
The Central European Startup Awards is a unique award show, committed to advocate and celebrate the startup spirit of the CEE region and to pin the region to the global startup map. The festival brings together 10 countries, nearly 4.000 startups and their ecosystems for the second time this year.
This year Polish finale event will take place in Gdańsk on 17 September at 5 p.m in STARTER with help of Black Pearls VC and financial support from BPlanner.eu.
Keep your fingers crossed guys for Quantum Lab. We cannot wait to see all in Gdansk. Peace! 🙂

Quantum Lab was nominated to participate in Startup Sauna
Quantum Lab will take part one-day coaching event for local startups organized by Startup Sauna accelerator and hosted by Olivia Business Center. Startup Sauna connects the most promising startups from Nordics, Eastern Europe and Russia with experienced serial entrepreneurs, investors and other industry experts.
You can find more info about the event here: go and from the poster below:
See you on the spot guys!

Polska technologia rozpoznawania emocji nagrodzona przez Komisję Europejską
Firma Quantum Poland jako jedna z trzech firm z Polski zakwalifikowała się do pierwszej rundy finansowania w ramach programu Horyzont 2020 dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Komisja Europejska otrzymała w sumie 2,029 wniosków, a 128 zostało wybranych do finasowania.
W ramach pierwszej fazy projektu Horyzont 2020, Quantum Lab Poland otrzyma 50 000 Euro, na przeprowadzenie analizy wykonywalności zaproponowanej we wniosku technologii rozpoznawania emocji na podstawie analizy mimicznej – Xpress Engine. Silnik Xpress Engine powstał w ciągu dwóch lat dzięki pracy inżynierów – Krzysztofa Cywińskiego i Dariusz Kamowskiego oraz naukowca Konrada Bociana z Uniwersytetu SWPS – w oparciu w o aktualną wiedzę naukową z dziedziny widzenia i uczenia się maszyn oraz psychologii emocji. Silnik Xpress Engine umożliwia odczytywanie sześciu podstawowych emocji na podstawie analizy mięśni twarzy. Do działania silnika, którego skuteczność szacowana jest na 91%, potrzebny jest wyłącznie dostęp do Internetu oraz podstawowa kamera w laptopie lub smartfonie.
Dzięki pieniądzom z projektu Horyzont 2020, Quantum Lab Poland przeprowadzi badania i wdroży ich wyniki, znacząco ulepszając sposób badania emocji w marketingu i reklamie. Będzie to kolejny krok w kierunku objęcia pozycji lidera w uczeniu maszyn rozpoznawania oraz analizy ludzkich emocji. Pozwoli to firmie rozwijać silnik Xpress Engine w takich obszarach jak medycyna, psychoterapia oraz robotyka społeczna. Dotychczas firma Quantum Lab Poland stworzyła aplikację do monitorowania nastroju “How Are You App”, która została zarekomendowana pacjentom i czytelnikom przez Polish Healthcare Journal oraz platformę badawczą ELLEN dedykowaną badaniom rynku i opinii.
Horyzont 2020 to największy w historii program finansowania badań naukowych i innowacji w Unii Europejskiej. Jego budżet w latach 2014-2020 wynosi prawie 80 mld euro, a celem jest stworzenie spójnego systemu finansowania innowacji: od koncepcji naukowej, poprzez etap badań, aż po wdrożenie nowych rozwiązań, produktów czy technologii.
Więcej informacji na temat wyników konkursu Horyzont 2020: http://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/news/142-highly-innovative-smes-funded-horizon-2020-sme-instrument
Quantum Lab Poland. to prężnie rozwijająca się, innowacyjna firma z siedzibą w USA i Polsce złożona ze specjalistów i pasjonatów, której główną misją jest ułatwienie komunikacji emocjonalnej na płaszczyźnie człowiek-człowiek jak i człowiek-maszyna. Strategicznymi inwestorami firmy są fundusze inwestycyjne Black Pearls VC, Business Angel Seedfund oraz Profound Ventures.
Więcej informacji: https://quantumlab.co/
Konrad Bocian
Chief Science Officer
Quantum Lab Poland

Quantum Lab was selected in the latest round of Horizon 2020
This news is so awesome that we are speechless, so we will show you how do we feel right now.
We want to dance…
and we are excited…
about receiving €50,000 from Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 1…
to finance Xpress Engine feasibility studies.
You can find more information about projects and companies which got funded HERE. Last but not least, we feel proud because only three companies from Poland were selected and Quantum Lab is one of them.
That’s it guys! Stay tuned!

Quantum Lab has a new office in Poland
As a company, which always look for the best solutions, we decided to change the location of our Polish office. Right now you can find us in Olivia Four office building which belongs to Olivia Business Centre compound located in Gdansk.
If you want to see our team or simply send us a postcard from superb holidays, here is our new address:
Quantum Lab Poland Sp. z o. o.
Olivia Business Centre
Olivia Four, 1st floor
Al. Grunwaldzka 472
80-309 Gdansk
Stay tuned guys!

Xpress Engine
Xpress Engine is a facial expression recognition system allows to read people emotional response from their facial expressions using any modern device with a camera. Using Xpress Engine, we can track people emotions while showing them stimuli on any desktop computer or mobile device. Xpress Engine potential perfectly fits the needs of market research but also it can be used as a measure of consumer satisfaction and productivity indicator of outdoor campaigns.
Xpress Engine can detect such emotions like happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust along with gender and age group.
Popular areas of application: market research, scientific research, robotics, medicine, retail, security, outdoor marketing and gaming.
If you are interested in using Xpress Engine for your business, feel free to check out Xpress Engine website or directly.

Bartosz Rychlicki became a full member of The Polish Society of Market and Opinion Researchers
So, now it is official guys! Bartosz, our CEO, became a full member of The Polish Society of Market and Opinion Researchers and we even have evidence for this 😉

The Polish Society of Market and Opinion Researchers was established in 1994 and consolidates more than 285 researchers from across Poland. We are proud of Bartosz because it proves that we have been doing top-notch work since first Ellen Technology lunch and right now our new product is recognized by the society of market researchers as professional and reliable tool.
We want to pass huge thank you to the Polish Society of Market and Opinion Researchers for giving Bartosz this an unrivalled opportunity to become a part of society of professionals. We will not let you down 🙂

About Quantum Lab
Our Mission
Solve business problems and provide value by connecting psychology with new technologies.
Quantum Lab is devoted to solving real case business problems by providing solutions in the form of scalable products. First, we solve any given problem at a micro scale using psychological know-how and research. Next, we expand the solution to macro scale by utilising new technologies.
We helped following sectors so far: market research, marketing, retail chains, banks and clinics.
Find more about Quantum Lab on .

CADAS Software Sp z o. o. oraz Quantum Lab Co. partnerami technologicznymi
Firma Quantum Lab Co. nawiązała długoterminową współpracę z firmą CADAS Software Sp z o. o. w sprawie integracji systemu automatycznego rozpoznawania emocji Ellen z platformą CADAS – złożonego środowiska do badań rynku i opinii.
Ellen to rewolucyjne narzędzie w dziedzinie marketingu, które umożliwia rozpoznanie i analizę emocji w czasie rzeczywistym wyłącznie na podstawie ekspresji mimicznej twarzy. Ellen została zbudowany w oparciu o aktualną wiedzę naukową z dziedziny widzenia i uczenia się maszyn oraz psychologii emocji. Ellen potrafi wykryć sześć podstawowych emocji (radość, zaskoczenie, złość, strach, wstręt, smutek), które mogą pojawić się na twarzy konsumentów w odpowiedzi na konkretne bodźce (np. produkt, tekst reklamowy, dźwięk).
System CADAS to złożone środowisko do badań rynku i opinii dysponujące platformą internetową typu Klient-Serwer przysposobioną do aktywnego pozyskiwania kwestionariuszowych danych sondażowych lub obserwacyjnych na różne sposoby (np: wizyta, połączenie telefoniczne, link do serwisu www, usługi mobilne: smartphone, PDA).
Od początku roku 2015 trwają intensywne prace polegające na integracji systemu Ellen z platformą CADAS. – Implementacja systemu Ellen ze środowiskiem CADAS to ogromne wyzwanie dla naszych firm, jednak jestem głęboko przekonany, że przyniesie korzyści wszystkim naszym klientom, którzy uzyskają dostęp do wydajnego, mobilnego środowiska internetowego, pozwalającego na łatwy pomiar emocji w obszarze badań rynku i opinii. – mówi Bartosz Rychlicki, CEO Quantum Lab Co.
Pierwsza prezentacja zintegrowanych systemów Ellen i CADAS pod nazwą CADAS ELLEN odbyła się 4 marca 2015 roku w Centrum Nauki Kopernik podczas konferencji CyberRE 5.0 zorganizowanej przez Polskie Towarzystwo Badaczy Rynku i Opinii.

Super Bowl 2015 commercials examined by Ellen
On the 6th March, at the Quantum Lab headquarters, we hosted 25 students from the SCOPE Maastricht University, who were eager to understand how our business operates and what we do on a daily basis. Taking this an unrivaled opportunity we have conducted a small study for our guests. Read more on Ellen’s Blog.

Let’s meet in Barcelona
We are glad to announce that our team is going to participate in Mobile World Congress in Barcelona where Ellen is going to be presented. We hope that it will meet with great approval from visitors.
If you are willing to know more detailed information about this event, do not hesitate to visit Mobile World Congress official website.

Ellen – Discover Consumers’ Emotions
Ellen is a beautiful, precise and easy to use technology which allows research companies to recognize and analyze emotions evoked by different kinds of stimulus like TV and Internet commercials, outdoor and indoor adverts or simply music and video clips.
We sincerely believe that having Ellen on board can facilitate each research department of this companies which are interested in measuring emotions of their consumers. This should contribute to better understanding what people feel towards different stimulus and at the same time it can change the way of how we think about impartial measuring emotions.
Please be our guest and check out what We and Ellen can do for your business.

TEDx: About four normal guys who taught computer emotions
We have been waiting very long but here it is! Bartosz talk at the TEDxWSB which was held in Wrocław on 12 September. You can find more information about the event here. However, first of all watch Bartosz talk About four normal guys who taught computer emotions.

The 10 best Quantum Lab moments of 2014
The outgoing 2014 year was fruitful and astonish for our company in many ways. However, 10 moments were so much historical, that we have decided to dedicate them this blog entry.
So, here are the 10 best Quantum Lab moments of 2014:
1. Forbes made interview with Bartosz
Yep, nothing to add. That was an incredible experience!
2. Channel TVP1 featured How Are You App
How many mobile apps, which were featured by national public broadcaster, do you know? If not many, you can watch one here.
3. 2nd place in Infoshare Startup Contest
We were close, but Professor Why was closer. Congrats for CTAdventure. Good job guys!
4. Bartosz in TrendBook 2014
TrendBook 2014, written by Natalia Hatalska, is one of the most recognizable and must read positions for all technology freaks. Among them, you will find Bartosz talking about wearable technology. Just click here.
5. The 2nd edition of TechMatch Poland
And chance to present our company in front of such giants like Oracle, Honda and AT&T. How cool is that? Very!
6. First ever Xpress Engine presentation at the Purple Day 2014 Conference
That night will remain forever in our hearts. We were stressed and thrilled at the same time, but luckily everything went smooth and at the end of the day we looked like a bunch of smiling guys.
7. First business implementation with SW Research
Weeks, days and hours spent on coding brought us our first, small proof of concept. Since that time, we are coding harder, faster and better. Many thanks to guys from SW Research. This would be not possible without them.
8. Universal McCann Poland
That was something huge. We signed our first business and research cooperation agreement with the advertising agency. Champaign was present.
9. Acorn
For Bartosz, it was a dream come true. First client from Japan and feeling that we are going global.
10. Emotional Christmas tree
At the end of the year, Krzysztof and Darek, our two brilliant engineers, came up with the idea of Christmas tree which brighten its fairy lights when someone smiles. It was so awesome that three Tv stations made a material about Quantum Lab’s emotional Christmas tree. One of them you can watch here.
That is it guys! It was a great year working with you and besides best moments we had lots and lots smaller successes and of course some fails. But it does not matter, because what really matters is that we are still together as friends and company, we have fun each day and we know that the bright future is ahead of us.

Quantum Lab has first client in Japan
We have another great news to announce. Couple weeks ago Bartosz, our CEO, and Krzysztof, our CTO, went to Tokyo for Japan IT Week to present our newest product Ellen: Discover Consumer Emotions which allows to measure emotions from facial expressions.
To our surprise, Ellen turned out to be so attractive for Asian marketing market that one of the biggest and leading marketing research group Acorn decided to cooperate with Quantum Lab Co. Soon together with Acorn we will start research in the Asian market.
Since Bartek had started his first adventure with entrepreneurship, he dreamed that one day he will have a client from Japan. That day has just come!

Quantum Lab has started business cooperation with Universal McCann Poland
We are happy to announce that Quantum Lab signed business and research cooperation agreement with advertising agency Universal McCann Poland. Together with Universal McCann Poland we will test our brand-new product called Ellen: Discover Consumer Emotions which was built on the Xpress Engine technology.
We can’t wait to see the results of the first studies, which we hope will contribute to better understating what consumer feel when then watch television commercials.
Stay tuned guys! More awesome news are coming!

Quantum Lab has changed the location of the Polish Office
Quantum Lab team has grown to such an extent that we had to change the location of our Polish Office. Right now you can find us at Inkubator STARTER on the first floor.
If you want to see our team or simply send us a postcard from superb holidays, here is our new address:
Quantum Lab Poland Sp. z o. o.
ul. Lęborska 3b (Inkubator STARTER, I piętro)
Skrzynka pocztowa 37
80-386 Gdańsk
Stay tuned guys!

Bartosz Rychlicki at the 4th Pomeranian Project Management Congress
We are happy to announce that Bartosz Rychlicki, CEO will give a talk about project management in the R&D sector during the 4th Pomeranian Project Management Congress which be held on 7th October at 9:30 a.m. in the Olivia Sky Club Conference Centre in the Olivia Business Centre.
The 4th Pomeranian Congress is dedicated to project management in different sectors of the economy. The best practitioners in the area of project management will talk about effective team management and proper ways of crisis management. The 4th Pomeranian Congress is an unrivaled opportunity to find out what are the best project management strategies which might have help leaders to explore employees strengths.
If you want to participate in the 4th Pomeranian Congress, you can register by using the enter form on a www.2014.kongres-pm.pl website. We hope to see you all at the 4th Pomeranian Congress, so stay tuned and observe our and accounts.

Quantum Lab at the Purple Day 2014 conference
As a one of 11 exhibitors of the Technological Fun Park, Quantum Lab for the first time will present Xpress Engine: Facial Expression Recognition System in front of a professional audience.
Technological Fun Park is a part of the Purple Day 2014 conference which will be held in Cinema City Arkadia on Thursday 25 September 2014. The Purple Day 2014 conference is organized by Mindshare Poland the media agency, and it will be dedicated to the theme of rapid changes on media market and its consequences for media agencies.
We are thrilled about the conference and our presence at the Technological Fun Park because it will be the first Xpress Engine demo presentation in front of potential clients. Our IT, PR and Office departments worked hard to show what Quantum Lab has the best: awesome team and the most innovative technology.
In the next couple hours we will post some behind the scenes photos, so stay tuned and observe our and accounts. We cannot wait to see you all at the Purple Day 2014 conference.

Bartosz Rychlicki at the TEDxWSB conference
When Bartek, our CEO, was a boy, he dreamt that sometime in the future, he will give a talk at the TED conference. Guess what? This dream just came true! Bartek was invited by organizing committee to give a talk at the TEDxWSB, which will be held in Wroclaw on 12 September.
You can find more information about the event here.
Right now we want to pass a thank you word to Marek Kowalczyk for invitation and giving us an opportunity to share our story which Bartek called: About four normal guys who taught computer emotions.
Keep fingers crossed for Bartek presentation and see you at the TEDxWSB.

CODE 2.0 internship in Quantum Lab
CODE 2.0 program, which is organised by Pomeranian Foundation for Economic Initiatives, had started this Monday. We are proud to inform that Quantum Lab offered two trainee’s positions in the IT department for participants who will successfully complete the program.
In Quantum Lab, we believe that the passion for new technologies and devotion to work are good predictors of personal success. That is why we decided to be a part of CODE 2.0 program, which gives young, unemployed people unrivaled opportunity to become a computer programmer.
We keep our fingers crossed for this young guys. Good luck!
More info: CODE 2.0

Quantum Lab Team has expanded!
We are proud to welcome aboard two brilliant AI Software Engineers: Dariusz Kamowski and Bartosz Banachewicz who, as the members of the Quantum Lab Team, will teach computers how people feel.
We are thankful for good fortune of having these guys in our team, and we feel excited about our future co-action. So, stay tuned people. Quantum Lab is coming up!
You can read more about Darek here and Bartek here.

Xpress App will be presented during Gdansk Business Week
Gdansk Business Week is a six-day workshop for youth aged from 15-19 years about entrepreneurship and creativity organised by Starter, the city of Gdansk and Washington Business Week Programs. It is run in English by executives from such companies like Microsoft or Boeing. Quantum Lab Co is proud to be a part of this wonderful project as one of the partners.
During Gdansk Business Week, Bartosz Rychlicki our CEO will give talk in front of 120 young people about Xpress App entitled Emotional Revolution from Idea to Execution. Bartosz will spine a story showing how a simple idea can be executed into a real product.
Apart from the talk, Bartosz together with Quantum Team prepared a contest for participants of Gdansk Business Week, which refers to Xpress App. Rules are simple:
1. Express your emotions through Selfie to sum up Gdansk Business Week.
2. Upload your Selfie on Facebook and/or Twitter with a short description.
3. Don’t forget to add App (FB) or (Twitter) to your post and #xpress
4. Among all posts, we’ll draw five people who will get specially designed Xpress Travel Mug.
5. Author of the best FB or Twitter creation will receive unique invitation to Quantum Lab headquarters in Gdansk and opportunity to become Xpress App brand ambassador.
Good luck and Xpress Yourselfie;-)
More info: Gdansk Business Week

Boot Camp of the Polish Silicon Bridge Project
Konrad, our Chief Science Officer, took part in 5-day Boot Camp, which was the second phase of Polish Silicon Bridge Project and was held on 30 June – 4 July, 2014, in Serock near Warsaw. During the program, Konrad participated in workshops lead by American and Polish experts who showed him, for example, how to optimize the process of management, take care of business model or prepare effective elevator pitch.
As Konrad said: “Boot Camp was a great experience for my as a science person. I learned that when it comes to product development the crucial thing is what problem it is solving. This knowledge gave me a new insight in How Are You App business strategy.”
But Boot Camp was not only about work. Networking with amazing and creative entrepreneurs from the whole Poland was another enjoyable experience of the program. With some of this amazing people, Konrad set not only business relationships but also made friends.
Now we are waiting for evaluation, hoping we will be selected to take part in the third phase of the program. Keep fingers crossed guys!
Polish Silicon Bridge is a governmental acceleration program for Polish hi-tech companies organised by Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) in association with US Market Access Center (US MAC).

Summary of the second edition of Tech-Match Poland!
During the second edition of TechMatch Poland, which took place in Palo Alto, San Francisco from 24 to 27 June, Bartosz Rychlicki, our CEO, presented our Facial Recognition System called Xpress Engine in front of such companies like Fujitsu, Intel Capital, AT&T, LG, Panasonic and Oracle. After presentation Bartosz met with representatives of companies which were interested in better understanding of Xpress Engine. We are proud to announce that companies AT&T, Oracle, LG, Orange and Panasonic are willing to test Xpress Engine in marketing setting at the turn of September and October.
We would like to pass huge thank you to Ministry of Economy and Polish Innovation Night for organizing this phenomenal event. We hope it will fructify in promising business opportunities in the near future.

Quantum Lab has won the second edition of Tech-Match Poland!
Quantum Lab won the second edition of TechMatch Poland organised by Ministry of Economy along with eight other Polish companies. TechMatch will take place in Palo Alto, San Francisco from 24 to 27 June. The TechMatch program will give us an unrivalled opportunity to present our company in front of such industry giants like AT&T, SAP, Honda, Intel Capital, Sood Ventures, Docomo Capital, Atlantic Bridge, GE Software, Panasonic, LG, Oracle, NEC, Sprint, ABB Technology Ventures, Telefonica, Bayer Healthcare, BT.
We pass huge congratulations to remain eight companies: Robotics Inventions, AVSystem, ENERGA Innowacje, Pixel Technology, Enteye, Amodit, Object Connect, Kan Bo) for achieving this tremendous goal. We can not wait to meet you guys in Palo Alto. See you there and stay tuned.
More info: Ministry of Economy and Polish Innovation Night
Follow our company on and if you want to receive hot and fresh news.
You can also follow Bartek Rychlicki (CEO) on if you want to be up to date about our visit in Palo Alto.
Pirates On Shore: Warsaw
Quantum Lab Co. took part in the most rebellious pitch competition ever organised by Pirates On Shore and powered by Reaktor. Even though, we did not win the competition, we pass huge congratulations to the winners and many thanks to Reaktor for arranging this outstanding event. It was a pleasure meeting you guys!
More info: Pirates invaded Reaktor
Photography: (C) Tomasz Owoc

Bartosz Rychlicki in TrendBook 2014
English version of TrendBook 2014 written by Natalia Hatalska has been released. We highly recommend this thought provoking and inspiring book, which reveals five top trends of this year. In the TrendBook 2014, you can also read comment from our CEO, Bartosz Rychlicki about last year’s predictions concerning wearable technology (page 11).
You can download TrendBook 2014 here or see it .
More info: http://hatalska.com/trendbook-2014-en/

Fell free to contact us in any matter
Poland office:
Olivia Business Centre
Olivia Four, 1st floor
Al. Grunwaldzka 472
80-309 Gdansk
US office:
RocketSpace Suites
180 Sansome St., XV floor
San Francisco, CA 94133

Meet with us at IT Future Expo
Bartosz Rychlicki our CEO and Krzysztof Cywiński our CTO are going to take part in IT Future Expo representing Quantum Lab Co. as one of the 100 companies from Poland and Europe. The event will take place at the National Stadium in Warsaw, on June 10th – 11th, 2014.
Meet with Bartek and Krzysztof at Do IT with Poland exhibitor booth (128a; 128; 130) and learn more about our new product – Xpress Engine – mobile application system which can recognize emotions from facial expressions.
Follow our Twitter accounts: . and to hear about our experience and meetings during the trade fair. If you want to meet Bartek and Krzysztof, just tweet or send them hello on or .
More info: http://itfuture.pl/eng/
Quantum Lab took second place in infoShare Startup Contest
On May 21-23rd 2014, Quantum Lab Co. competed with 30 startups for the Best Startup Prize, in the largest startup competition in CEE region, organized by Gdańsk Business Incubator STARTER. Seven startups got to the finals, and among them was Quantum Lab Co. The final seven gave pitches in front of the international jury, which picked on the winner – CTAdventure (Professor Why™). The second place went to Quantum Lab Co. (Mobile Focus Groups) and the third one to Audiotrip.
We congratulate all competitors. It was a pleasure meeting you guys. And once again we would like to congratulate CTAdventure on taking 1st place in infoShare Startup Contest. You did outstanding work guys!
More info: www.infoshare.pl/

Meet us at the APS Convention in San Francisco
Konrad Bocian, our psychological scientist, is going for The Association for Psychological Science’s Annual Convention which will be held in San Francisco between 22 and 25 May. The APS Annual Convention brings together psychological scientists and educators from around the globe for cross-cutting programs spanning the discipline. Konrad, aside form presenting his own academic research, will also participate in symposiums, talks and poster sessions about mood disorders and depression, which will allow him to obtain the most up to date information about mental health and well-being.
We are going to use this experience in the next How Are You App releases as well as in research about our app efficacy in reduction of depression symptoms, so stay tuned!
Follow our to hear from Konrad and see how is he doing at the convention. If you want to meet him, just tweet or send him hello on .

How Are You App is available in Spanish!
The second How Are You App translation is already available for all Spanish-speaking people! Share it and tell your Spanish friends about How Are You App!
More info: http://gethowareyou.com/
By the way, we would like to pass a huge Thank You to and for their help with the translation process. You are the best!

New How Are You App website has been lunched!
We have launched a new website for How Are You App. Apart from more clean and organized layout we have added the CESD-R test, which is a screening test for depression and depressive disorder. If you suspect that you can have a depression, you can take a test answering 20 questions, to find out how deep is your problem with depression. Just go to http://gethowareyou.com
We hope that this new website feature will meet your expectations and helps you increase self – awareness about mental health and mood disorders. Remember that you can measure your depressive symptoms whenever you need, but for diagnostic purposes you should take a test once a week and write the results down.
Stay tuned, never give up and fight against depression! We are here to help you!
*All information about your test results is anonymous, and it is not stored anywhere.

We are going to Tokyo!
We have remarkable news to announce! We are going for Japan IT Week which will be held in Tokyo between 14 and 16 May. Since Japan IT Week is one of the largest IT technologies trade shows, we hope to establish some significant partnerships between Quantum Lab and Asian entrepreneurs. We will also explore Japan IT market to see if our new products like Mobile Focus Groups or Xpress App can get acceptance among Japanese companies and potential costumers.
If you want to meet with us at Japan IT week, please do not hesitate and send us hello email on .
Stay tuned and keep fingers crossed for our success at Japan IT week!
Update: We came back! It was a fruitful and exciting week. We posted some photos from Tokyo below 🙂

How Are You App was featured in TVP1
We are delighted to apprise that our latest company product: How Are You App was presented on channel TVP1 owned by TVP (Telewizja Polska S.A.), Poland’s national public broadcaster. Our CEO Bartosz Rychlicki was invited by Agata Młynarska to her TV show “Świat się kręci“. During the show, Bartosz was introducing How Are You App, describing its main features and answering questions about future of mobile mood trackers. You can watch the whole episode right here: click
We feel proud that Polish TV recognized How Are You App as professionally developed product and, therefore, decided to show it nationwide. We hope it will contribute in the rise of depression and mental health awareness in Poland.
That’s it guys! Now, we go back to work because what we care most is your satisfaction from our products.
Stay tuned! More fresh news is waiting for being published!

Meet with us at infoShare conference
We proudly inform that Quantum Lab Co. was selected as one of the 30 most promising startups form Europe and we will compete for the Best Startup Prize. During the conference, we are going to present totally new and unique way of gathering market data from costumers: Mobile Focus Groups.
Want to know more?
Meet with us during Startup Expo and Startup Contest at the infoShare conference on 21-22 May. We cannot wait to see you there!
More info: http://www.infoshare.pl/

Inspired by Mobile World Congress
Quantum Lab team with How Are You App is one of tousands innovative companies who came to Barcelona to present it’s idea or product. Both big global corporations and startups are doing their best to be visible and to aquire as many business contacts as possible.
Everyday we can see latest trends and we are surrounded by huge range of apps and mobile devices. More than 1700 exhibitors on 94,000 square metres are here! For sure we can learn a lot from them.
Now we are working on translating How Are You into polish. Our hot idea is to translate it also into spanish. At the same time we are preparing ourselves to CeBIT in Hannover, Germany. And not only that, yesterday we had an official meeting with representative of the Polish Embassy in Madrit – Sebastian Bialecki.
As you can see many things happening at the moment, so stay tuned!

Summary of the economic mission to United States
The goal for the mission was San Francisco. One of the most important economic center, working closely with Silicon Valley – centre of new technologies.
As part of mission polish entrepreneurs, including us, visited new headquarter of Department of Trade and Investments Promotion, where the held talks with its representatives: Ms Beata Adamczyk (first secretary) and Mr Tomasz Kołodziejak (Trade Promotion expert). They also listened to lecture which was presented by mobile payments expert – Ms Amie Gray, CEO of N³ Innovation. During the meeting entrepreneurs had a chance to meet conditions of American IT market, and also they acquainted with the possibilities of development in Silicion Valley.
Participants of the mission also took part in Apps World fairs as visitors. More than 250 exhibitors, many discussion panels, workshops and seminars attracted the attention and led to constructive conversations and valuable networking with IT specialists.

How Are You will be presented in Barcelona
We are glad to announce that our team is going to participate in this year Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona where the How Are You App is going to be presented. We hope that it will meet with great approval from visitors.
If you are willing to know more detailed information about this event, do not hesitate to visit Mobile World Congress official website.

How Are You App – Therapy in your pocket
How Are You App, is devoted to people who suffer from depression and mood disorders. We believe that a mood tracking has a tremendous potential to help people in depression understand what are the main mood triggers in their life, and how they change their mental health.
The app also promotes mental health by scientifically proven exercises which are sent to the user each time he or she makes a mood test. Unique features of How Are You App, like broad analysis, buddy encouragement, and gratitude diary along with exercises and hints from positive psychology, make it a comprehensive and highly efficient tool for self-improvement and better mental health
The How Are You App was developed for individuals, therapists, hospitals and business. Learn more on How Are You App website.

CEO Bartosz Rychlicki was interviewed by Forbes Magazine
Forbes Magazine: First Million interviewed our CEO Bartosz Rychlicki and Quantum Lab team to gain inside knowledge about present and further company goals. During the interview Bartosz was talking about latest company product: How Are You App as well as future products, which will help our clients share their emotional states with more ease.
Talking with Forbes Magazine is a serious business, therefore we feel proud and obligated to work harder for our clients satisfaction.
Stay tuned! New awesome news are coming soon!

The How Are You Blog has been just launched!
We proudly present the “How Are You” Blog which will serve as a free addition to How Are You application.
Depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are complex problems, so we decided that our blog will serve as reinforcement for mood tracking.
We strongly believe that this cooperation between self-knowledge through numbers (“How Are You” app) and hints from psychologists, psychotherapists and science (“How Are You” Blog) will give our clients the upper hand over theirs mood problems.
Visit “How Are You” blog right now share the good news with your friends and stay tuned!

Impressions from stay in the Silicon Valley – Ready to Go
As we earlier informed, we got a chance to participate on November in the “Ready to Go” program in California targeted to startups. It was a very fruitful experience and for sure a new beginning for our company.

Quantum Lab on the Venture Day
This week, 19th of November our team took part in the conference – Venture Day in Amber Expo, Gdansk. The main aim of this event was to gather entrepreneurs, investors and a science environment. What’s more, it also brings together the experts in the field of a innovation, who can share their knowledge and experience with all the participants.
As a company nominated in the Startup Venture competition, we got also a chance to promote our latest product (How Are You) and what’s more important present ourselves in front of potential investors. It was also a chance to gain funds and mentoring for the further development. This time, we were represented by Konrad Bocian – a new member of our team, who is responsible for connecting a psychological and a scientific background with technology. During his investment pitch, he introduced an audience with our idea and with possibilities of gaining a profits in the future. Ultimately, the winner of the contest become InventCore for the project “Deligic”.
Congratulations to our colleagues!
Except of that, we also could participate in many lectures, workshops and exhibitions of the startups, which are in the further process of a development. Additionally, in the evening a networking part was held. That was a very valuable experience! We can’t wait the next edition!

First dollars on the way to the first million
We are happy to announce that thanks to a premium features of How Are You on the 7th of November we have earned the first income! That’s a big breakthrough for us and with no doubts, occasion to celebrate!

Bartosz Rychlicki
Responsible for strategy and team, spread the vision and tries not to spend available budget. Psychology freak with technical background, serial entrepreneur.

Krzysztof Cywiński
Responsible for our technological progress. Passionate programmer, old-school hacker, he’s the reasonable part of the whole team.

Paweł Tylingo
Paweł adds he’s final touch to everything, he combines design and functionality. He is that extra 10% in everything we do and has a great attitude

Maciej Zubok
Backend/Mobile Developer
Ladies be careful this one is a real beast and also our most promising and talented programmer.

Quantum Lab in Silicon Valley
Happily, we gained a wonderful chance to take part in a kick-off of Ready To Go Project. Moreover, all the events are located in San Francisco Bay. We are looking forward to going there!

How Are You will be presented in Vienna – Pionieers Festival 2013
Pioneers Festival is one of the biggest event of this type in Europe – mainly, focused on entrepreneurship, startups and innovative technologies. We are the only startup from Poland, which was chosen to have a great opportunity to promote the best mobile mood tracker ever.

Quantum Lab nominated to Startup of the Year 2013.
During the last Business Mixer at Olivia Business Center, Gdansk, Poland organized by Business Link we were chosen among 2 other startups (Deligic and Sgrouples) to further fight for the title in the competition and we got nominated to a “Startup of the Year”.

Dariusz Kamowski
AI Software Engineer
Master of Science at the Gdańsk University of Technology, specialty in control systems. Main object: data analysis, process optimization and diagnostics in the field of artificial intelligence. Enthusiast of computational intelligence, math and new technologies.

Justyna Leszcz
Research Specialist
Responsible for the methodology and scientific site of projects. She supports partners in the quantitative analysis of the results and developing conclusions from the study. Involved in international projects examining stereotypes and attitudes.

Julian Kur
Head of Sales
Julian brings to Quantum Lab over 7-years experience in building B2B relations, including delivering global expansion of Polish technology. Enthusiast of intelligent decision making systems in business use.

Patrick Gustavsson
Key Account Manager
Patrick has 20 years of experience as a digital director with focus on the Internet. During this time he has been involved in hundreds of web projects and have worked for leading IT companies with global clients.Patrick is a representative and Key Account Manager for Ellen in Sweden.

Marcin Kowalik
Black Pearls Advisory
Marcin makes sure that the business side of Quantum Lab runs harmoniously. He helps us with opening some doors and provides us with much welcome business feedback. He’s also one of our investors.